Roadmap to Wellness: Comprehensive Health Check-up

What to Expect? 

During our Comprehensive Health Check-up Event, you can expect a thorough and detailed assessment of your health. Our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced medical technology ensure accurate results and prompt diagnosis. From a comprehensive medical history review to specialized screenings, we leave no stone unturned to provide you with a complete picture of your health.

Welleazy Full Body Check up  - BODY CHECKUP 283x300 - Freedom Month Health check up

Our Packages

Liberation Vitality Package

Inclusive of 31 Parameters

  1. Bilirubin, Total
  2. Bilirubin Conjugated (direct)
  3. Bilirubin (indirect)
  4. (alt/sgpt),
  5. (ast/sgot),
  6. Alkaline Phosphatase
  7. Protein, Total
  8. Albumin
  9. Globulin
  10. A/g Ratio
  11. Gamma GT (ggt)
  1. Bun Urea Nitrogen
  2. Uric Acid
  3. Blood Urea
  4. Sr. Creatinine
  1. Hemoglobin
  2. Pcv
  3. Rbc Count
  4. Mcv
  5. Mch
  6. Mchc
  7. R.D.W*
  8. Total Leucocyte
  9. Count (tlc)
  10. Neutrophils
  11. Lymphocytes
  12. Eosinophils
  13. Monocytes
  14. Basophils (optional)*
  15. Platelet Count
  1. Fasting Blood Sugar
  2. HBA1C

MRP 1100/

Revive & Thrive Wellness Bundle

Inclusive of 58 Parameters

  1. Bilirubin, Total
  2. Bilirubin Conjugated (direct)
  3. Bilirubin (indirect)
  4. (alt/sgpt),
  5. (ast/sgot),
  6. Alkaline Phosphatase
  7. Protein, Total
  8. Albumin
  9. Globulin
  10. A/g Ratio
  11. Gamma GT (ggt)
  1. Bun Urea Nitrogen
  2. Uric Acid
  3. Blood Urea
  4. Sr. Creatinine
  1. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
  1. Hemoglobin
  2. Pcv
  3. Rbc Count
  4. Mcv
  5. Mch
  6. Mchc
  7. R.D.W*
  8. Total Leucocyte
  9. Count (tlc)
  10. Neutrophils
  11. Lymphocytes
  12. Eosinophils
  13. Monocytes
  14. Basophils (optional)*
  15. Platelet Count
  1. Fasting Blood Sugar
  2. HBA1C
  1. Total Cholesterol
  2. Triglycerides
  3. Hdl cholesterol
  4. Non-hdl Cholesterol
  5. Ldl Cholesterol*
  6. Vldl Cholesterol
  7. Chol / hdl Ratio
  1. Colour
  2. Transparency
  3. Ph
  4. Sp. Gravity
  5. Biochemical Examination
  6. Urine Protein
  7. Glucose
  8. Urine Ketones (Random)
  9. Blood*
  10. Nitrite*
  11. Leucocyte Esterase*
  12. Centrifuged Sediment Wet Mount and Microscopy
  13. Pus cells*
  14. Epithelial Cells
  15. Rbc
  16. Casts
  17. Crystals

MRP 2500/

EmpowerU Total Wellness Package

Inclusive of 62 Parameters

  1. Bilirubin, Total
  2. Bilirubin Conjugated (direct)
  3. Bilirubin (indirect)
  4. (alt/sgpt),
  5. (ast/sgot),
  6. Alkaline Phosphatase
  7. Protein, Total
  8. Albumin
  9. Globulin
  10. A/g Ratio
  11. Gamma GT (ggt)
  1. Bun Urea Nitrogen
  2. Uric Acid
  3. Blood Urea
  4. Sr. Creatinine
  1. Hemoglobin
  2. Pcv
  3. Rbc Count
  4. Mcv
  5. Mch
  6. Mchc
  7. R.D.W*
  8. Total Leucocyte
  9. Count (tlc)
  10. Neutrophils
  11. Lymphocytes
  12. Eosinophils
  13. Monocytes
  14. Basophils (optional)*
  15. Platelet Count
  1. Fasting Blood Sugar
  2. HBA1C
  1. Total Cholesterol
  2. Triglycerides
  3. Hdl cholesterol
  4. Non-hdl Cholesterol
  5. Ldl Cholesterol*
  6. Vldl Cholesterol
  7. Chol / hdl Ratio
  1. Colour
  2. Transparency
  3. Ph
  4. Sp. Gravity
  5. Biochemical Examination
  6. Urine Protein
  7. Glucose
  8. Urine Ketones (Random)
  9. Blood*
  10. Nitrite*
  11. Leucocyte Esterase*
  12. Centrifuged Sediment Wet Mount and Microscopy
  13. Pus cells*
  14. Epithelial Cells
  15. Rbc
  16. Casts
  17. Crystals
  1. B12
  2. 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D (D2+D3)

MRP 4599/

* *MRP Depending on the region, however discounted prices will be available everywhere.

Book Your Spot Today!

Limited slots are available for our Roadmap to Wellness: Comprehensive Health Check-up Event. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a journey towards a healthier you. Take the first step towards a better future by booking your appointment now!

Let Welleazy be your partner in this journey towards better health and freedom. Join us for the Comprehensive Health Check-up Event and let’s together pave the way to a healthier and happier life!

Our Locations

New Delhi